Monday, April 11, 2011

if it's spring, it's mushroom huntin' season!

 the last few weeks have been great for hunting mushrooms-cool and overcast with plenty of rain; exactly what you need to find choice edibles.   and as always, do not judge your finds by these pictures alone-always get expert advice in identifying wild picked mushrooms before eating them!!!

 lichens-a symbiotic relationship between fungus and algae.  regardless, they are pretty to look at but can sometimes make identifying the tree by it's bark a challenge when there aren't any leaves to look at.  knowing what the tree species a mushroom is growing near can often be a huge step in properly identifying the fruiting body.
 these tiny mushrooms looked like nails at a quick glance.  upon further inspection, we discovered that they are really tiny little mushrooms.

 grey morels-the belles of the ball and the whole reason we have been out trouping through the woods.  in two trips, we found about 50.  on the bottom left, the mycelium which is the actual fungus; the mushroom is actually it's fruit, hence the name fruiting body.

 we found several of these centipedes while hunting morels

 an old earth star

 dead mans fingers

 wood ears

 this is one of the deadliest mushrooms we have found.  it doesn't look like much and is actually rather tiny but ingesting them will kill you!
and when i said tiny, that is what i meant-just look at them in comparison to my fingertips.